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January School Update

Yes, I'm a bit behind on the school update, but things have been progressing.  I was still in the throes of the school room reorganization at this point, but we made it work.

E is starting on the squaring chains.  She's flying through them fast.

She is sorting miniatures into various blend tubs.  I'm not sure why I waited so long to introduce it.  She completed it correctly every time with no direction.  Running to catch up again...

She's proud of her progress through our site word sets.

E is matching words to pictures while W is working on sorting shape pictures into containers.

L has been obsessed with the pink tower lately.  It stays respectful, so I allow it.

E is sorting states of matter cards into solid, liquid and gas.

Using the control card to check her work.

W is sorting animals from his alphabet zoo.  He is actually wearing a real shirt with pajama bottoms.  That's far more dressed than most of us in the school room.

E is spelling words in the E box.  You can also get a sense of what the school room looks like at this point in the background.

We've been tackling a lot of geography, mostly Europe.  I'm amazed at how many countries the older two are learning.

W is reading through our "Where We Live" booklet.

I recently added a clothes pinning work.  It's both more popular and more challenging that I would have guessed.

I tried to entice L with a sorting work.

He ended up learning that all four stuffed crayons will fit in his mouth.

The puzzles inside the classroom rarely get touched (outside is another story).  However, the older two decided to work this one together.

We worked on this extension together.  Even I enjoyed it.  Mathematical perfection!!!

We've had a few fun mini-projects.  Here W is excavating a T-Rex skeleton.  E had a similar set that allowed her to mine for gems.

We took to the art area in the basement to paint models of the solar system.

It also included a lesson on color mixing since specific colors were requested.

The final result is laid out to dry.  And now that it's March, it's time to go back to the basement and put them together?!?!

We have been working through fine art projects at Classical Conversations.  Here we're drawing self portraits by viewing ourselves in a mirror with varied lighting.  Can you name the artist we're studying?  Yes, it's Rembrandt.

This science experiment was about vibrations and sounds waves.  We're recording what we hear when this spoon tied to a string is hit against an object.

Everyone is continuing to improve their public speaking endeavors.

Even W is getting comfortable.  Perhaps too comfortable...

As for me, I can always find a million ways to bury myself in school prep.  If I showed a side view of just how tall this "to cut" pile of cards is, well, you'd get blisters just thinking about it.

I made what is hopefully my last order of primary works.... ever!  Famous last works, right?

Since I recently switched from the AMS process of teaching language to AMI, I'm bringing the bells back into the classroom.  I stumbled across this pack of music symbols.

I'm hopeful that this will be an alternative to the pricey and difficult to obtain music supplies.  I plan to make the corresponding staff boards with green felt and a sharpie.  Yeah, I'll just add that to the list.

I hope you had a fabulous January... and, er, February at this point.

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Jillur Rahman

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