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Vacation: Our Final Day and Return Home

Our week long vacation went so fast!  Hopefully you've enjoyed this brief topic detour.  If not, well, this is the last post.

We decided to keep the day as low key as possible.  Everyone was exhausted and the packing job was immense.  Matt and I stayed up very late the night before.  Given all the recent challenges in our family, we rarely have an opportunity to talk.  I didn't realize how many important topics we have failed to address.  It made for an incredibly late night but I’m still amazed at how much we were able to share.  We came up with a fabulous game plan for tackling our unique challenges.

Matt was wonderful and let me sleep in.  When I woke, it was time for Lockelan’s routine infuse.  I was anxious to get it over with.  It went wonderfully and we went on with the day.  The plan was to hike the natural trail and play mini golf at the resort.  It was supposed to be a beautiful day.  Well, if by “beautiful day” they meant non-stop rain and dropping temperatures then they were right.

Lockelan wrapped in a sheet and ready for his infusion.
Our infusion setup on the dining table.

Matt and I took turns napping during the day and cuddling with various children during their naps.  We ate lunch out on the balcony and watched the rain.  Since the rain wasn't heavy, we walked to the resort’s country store and looked for souvenirs.  We then went to the activity center and wasted a few dollars playing in the arcade.  I won some mini highlighters and a crank flashlight for the kids.  Matt won a Spider-man keychain for me.  The kids also got to see some baby geese that had been abandoned on the property.  The staff was caring for them until they could take them to the rescue the following day.  We rented a few more movies before we headed back to our unit.

There was a wooden fish about our bed.  I named him Merle.
I tried to instigate some family activities with the group but everyone was exhausted and preferred to choose individual activities instead.  Elora colored while William played with the toy fire truck he purchased at the City Museum.  Lockelan enjoyed digging through his toys.  Matt read while I started the packing festivities.  As the evening wore down, the kids went on the balcony and blew bubbles.  After they went to bed, Matt and I put in another movie, although it was more of a background movie as I packed.

Balcony Bubbles!!!

Passed out with Daddy.

Lockelan's favorite place to sleep... which wasn't his pack n play.

I sent Matt to bed since he would be driving.  I stayed up much later than I intended but I wanted to complete as much packing as possible.  We had to be out the door quite early the next day.
And this was just the tip of the iceberg...

The next day came sooner than I wanted but my diligence paid off and we were able to eat, pack and tidy the unit well before our required check out time.  The drive home was quite uneventful.  

The only interesting event was that we had to stop by Elora's dance studio for her dance photos.  Seriously.  We didn't know about the date conflict until after we had booked our unit.  Matt sat in the loaded van with the boys while I ran Elora inside for the last possible session.  She did wonderful and we FINALLY made it home.  

My parents stopped by after we arrived and helped us unload.  Elora managed to work her magic on Grandma and somehow got a trip to the mall to stretch the vacation just a few more hours.  She made a Pinkie Pie at the Build-A-Bear.  I made a Rainbow Dash.  After the festivities, Elora enjoyed ice cream.

Unstuffed Build-A-Bears border on creepy.

Cleaning Pinkie Pie.  You can see my Rainbow Dash as well.  Elora was upset that I paused to take a picture when I was supposed to be brushing.

She was more excited about the ice cream than the photo conveys.
It was wonderful to be back in my own bed.  As a confession, it took me nearly three weeks to fully unpack

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Jillur Rahman

I'm Jillur Rahman. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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