Blogs That Promote the Full Method
While I am certainly not a purist in the great realm of Montessorians, I do appreciate the full method. I firmly believe that to reap the greatest benefit, it is important to immerse oneself in the details and to plan your journey mindfully. The Internet has given the Montessori Method momentum and a forum for sharing ideas. At the same time, I fear it has muddled the message a bit. While the materials are wonderful, it is such a small piece of the puzzle. Given my goal to embrace the full method in as much detail as is feasible for us, I have sought out like-minded bloggers.
Here are a few blogs that I highly recommend.
Enjoy! And feel free to share any similar blogs that I have missed.
Wow! Thanks so much for putting us on the list. There are some really great blogs here! One of them I don't know. Of to check it out!