This and That
In case you're wondering, this little guy is doing really well. We've only had one more trip to the ER for a slight bump to the head.
Some days we're not too bad at this. Other days are a complete disaster. This is a massive learning curve.
I feel like I lost an entire month of my life. In the middle of the chaos, spring arrived and brought these.
This is their favorite place to be now. They could spend all day out there.
I've found a bit of my stride, although I got myself in a mess with this.
But I finally managed to complete it.
And I FINALLY took care of that. (Constructive Triangle control charts are available via Liveable Learning).
I've been reading this.
And thinking about whether or not I should switch to that.
I've been working on this.
And I have something really great planned for this...
...and that (OK, these).
And I finally hung that! I was excited to find such a lovely photo.
Through it all, we've manage to spend more time in the classroom than ever. Elora loved this... making her first book!
William loves that... a new hammering activity.
Lockelan has started to select things from the shelf... not that he's in the school room much.
Elora and I love to play this together.
And William has taken a big interest in that.
And this... well, this cracks me up every time I look at it.
Some days we're not too bad at this. Other days are a complete disaster. This is a massive learning curve.
I feel like I lost an entire month of my life. In the middle of the chaos, spring arrived and brought these.
This is their favorite place to be now. They could spend all day out there.
I've found a bit of my stride, although I got myself in a mess with this.
But I finally managed to complete it.
And I FINALLY took care of that. (Constructive Triangle control charts are available via Liveable Learning).
I've been reading this.
And thinking about whether or not I should switch to that.
I've been working on this.
And I have something really great planned for this...
...and that (OK, these).
And I finally hung that! I was excited to find such a lovely photo.
Through it all, we've manage to spend more time in the classroom than ever. Elora loved this... making her first book!
William loves that... a new hammering activity.
Lockelan has started to select things from the shelf... not that he's in the school room much.
Elora and I love to play this together.
And William has taken a big interest in that.
And this... well, this cracks me up every time I look at it.
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