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I initially began blogging about our experiences with Montessori more than five years ago.  I scrapped my first attempt and began again two years ago.  I've never had a solid plan.  In fact, my initial goal was to prove to my family that we did, in fact, do "educational" things.  I enjoy writing, mostly because I can make better sense of my own ideas when I type them out.  I'm humbled by those who have found my blog and reached out to me on various topics.  While I pressed on, I was still writing whatever came to mind on whatever schedule I could between family life and my children's medical issues.

And then came something a bit unexpected...

I recently began writing a Montessori column for Practical Homeschooling Magazine.  The opportunity has caused me to think seriously about what I want to be when I grow up.  I certainly don't know it all.  I'm simply a mom who adores all things Montessori and is doing her best to adapt it at home.  At the same time, I have worked hard to study and train in the method while providing an education for my children over a number of years.  I'm honored at the opportunity to share my perspective.  My first column was released earlier this month.  How far has Montessori at home come when a popular home school magazine decides to include it in every issue?

If you've been here for a while (Hi, Mom!) then you may have noticed that I recently overhauled the design of my blog.  That's partly because I wanted a better layout and partly because my former profession as an IT pro needed an outlet.  Did you notice?  What do you think?

For the first time, I'm starting to seriously consider my readers and how I can best share what I've learned.  I've stumbled upon a number of hills and valleys on our journey.  I know I'll stumble upon many, many more before my work is done.  My desire is that everyone who chooses to home school finds a path that allows them to be successful.  I also hope to see Montessori grow and mature as a viable home school option.  It isn't easy but the best things in life generally aren't.  If there's something you'd like to hear me talk about, let me know.  I'll do my best to accommodate.

My mind has been flooded with a host of ideas lately.  Some have been set in motion while others are being outlined.  It's exciting to see things come into order.  I don't have a definitive timeline for anything yet but if you want to stay informed, please follow my blog and like my Facebook page.  And of course, I greatly appreciate it when you share Grace and Green Pastures with others.

I do hope to blog more regularly.  At the same time, the medical challenges we face are always looming in the background.  I'm working towards topics that are relevant to families who are beginning or expanding their journeys with Montessori at home.  And yes, I'll still throw in some fun personal moments, my perspective on special needs and my occasional deep thoughts about God.

So let me know what's on your mind.  Where do you need support?  Where do you struggle?

And for a bit of fun, here are some throwback pictures from 2010.

And don't forget to join us on Montessori Homeschooling.


I hope you enjoyed my 70s reference.

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Jillur Rahman

I'm Jillur Rahman. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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