Khan Academy
I recently stumbled across a great online education resource. The Kahn Academy is a free online resource that strives to bring a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. It provides over 3000 in depth videos on key concepts, especially those concerning science and math. It also provides numerous online "challenges" and can track the progress of each student.
I'm impressed with the detail and range of topics available. While most of these are too advanced for my young audience, I have already enjoyed brushing up on a few concepts myself. I do plan to show a few of the astronomy videos this fall as we explore the topic. We will probably explore some of the art history videos as well. Being a bit of a math junkie I found the Doodling in Math videos enjoyable.
If you find something exceptionally interesting here, please let me know!
I'm impressed with the detail and range of topics available. While most of these are too advanced for my young audience, I have already enjoyed brushing up on a few concepts myself. I do plan to show a few of the astronomy videos this fall as we explore the topic. We will probably explore some of the art history videos as well. Being a bit of a math junkie I found the Doodling in Math videos enjoyable.
If you find something exceptionally interesting here, please let me know!
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